Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas according to Jenny

There's lots of these making their way around on the email scene. I'm following Harrison's lead and responding to everyone here...(others have different questions, but I liked Hairy's version best).

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Mostly paper.

2. Real tree or artificial?

3. When do you put up the tree? the beginning of December

4. When do you take the tree down? around New Year’s

5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, in small doses. I'm more the Peppermint Patty kind of girl (hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps).

6. Favorite gift received as a child? How sad, I can't remember any gifts as a kid...but I remember getting a hair crimper in middle school. I wanted it so badly and was so afraid I wouldn't get it, so I peeked in all my gifts and jumped around the house after I found it. Then when I opened it, I'm sure I gave a less than enthused response. It was the last year I peeked, it really did ruin the whole gift process that year for me.

7. Do you have a nativity scene? No. But I do have a praying kneeling Santa, which in my opinion says everything we should remember about Christmas (see right)

8. Hardest person to buy for? No dad.

9. Easiest person to buy for? My kids, I could buy, and buy, and buy....

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? One year I got a sweatshirt with buttons sewn all over it. Anyone who really knows me knows I have a strong dislike for buttons. I think they are gross...and slimy. I can count on one hand the number of shirts in my closet that have buttons on them. I know...I'm weird, but we all have our own issues.

11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? How the Grinch stole Christmas (the cartoon version).

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? November. I'm one of those that get it done as soon as possible to avoid the crowds.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Who hasn’t?

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Peppermint Bark.

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? colored. I have kids...they don't like "pretty" trees, they want (what we call in the scrapbook industry) "junked up" trees...the more color, sparkles, and ornaments the better.

17. Favorite Christmas song? It's a tie..O Holy Night (Donny Osmond has my favorite version) and Milk and Cookies (Clint Black). A close 2nd is The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Johnny Mathis). I love Christmas music...always have, my family can tell you stories about the hours I would spend perfecting the order of songs, making everyone their own list, and pulling in everyone to the living room to sing while I switched records and played conductor.

18. Travel for Christmas or stay at home? This year...stay home! (we do the every other year thing)

19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Yes.

20. Angel on the tree top? No, a star.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve morning? Open one Christmas Eve, and the rest Christmas morning.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Crowds. And ice storms.

23. What I love most about Christmas? Spending time with our long lost friends and family and all the traditions that Christmas brings.

I'd love to hear your answers too...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Card Hostage Situation

We just didn't have time to take a family picture for our Christmas card this year. We've been unbelievably busy and some have recognized the "recycled" picture from our Colorado trip. Yes, I could have sent one of just the kids, but I personally like getting pictures of the whole family. I love seeing the kids, but I miss seeing my mommy and daddy friends too. So, instead of holding my Season's Greetings hostage for a new picture (which might not happen in '07), I decided we would simplify and use one we already had.
5 more days!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Adding on to yesterday's post...

Did I mention that Brooke had an ear infection and Riley had a sinus infection all last week too?
Another reason we're glad that's behind us....

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Putting Last Week Behind Us...

What a week. If you live in the Tulsa area, you know what I'm talkin' about. Last year we got that crazy ice storm where we were all could not walk down to your mailbox without was so slick. This year, completely different. I was out the day after the storm, the roads were fine, it was the trees. The trees would snap off under the weight of the ice.
Nearly everyone lost power (at least for a little bit). Monday - all the stores were closed....even Walmart. Tuesday we had no power and that night drove several miles trying to find a place to eat.

On Wade's Birthday we woke up to our 2nd day without power. We had all huddled together by the living room fire to was COLD. I'm not so good sleeping on the ground...I ached for 2 days afterwards. I used to LOVE camping with my friends...I'm either way out of practice or becoming very "city-fied". The kids had a blast, Riley actually pouted when the lights came back on...until she realized electricity=TV.

Literally it looks like a tornado swept through the city.
The trees at our house are droopy, but still intact. We did have pretty extensive damage at a property we own in midtown.

Riley was out of school all 5 days, because the schools didn't have power.
We did manage to get a little snow this weekend, there wasn't much, but we enjoyed what we could of it.

Riley's Snow Angel

Our 3 "Frosty's"...courtesy of Riley

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Recap

Hope you and yours had a great turkey day.
Ours was wonderful. We were successful in the 3 "F's" of the Day.

1) Food
Anyone who knows how my mom cooks, knows that no get-together is complete without a feast. This year was no exception.

2) Family
We almost had everyone there, dad is overseas...but Chad made it home from his 3rd tour in Iraq the weekend before Thanksgiving. Todd traveled 4000 miles to make it there (he'd been in Portugal). And of course, Heath and Pearl drove down from KC for her first Thanksgiving as a Wilson. The cousins were all together and had a ton of fun playing together, and unbelievably got along really well this time.
3) Friends
Although brief, I did manage to party in "the Chuck" a few nights. Got to catch up with some of the old gang...Micki (one of my dearest friends for over 2 decades), and a large group of my best guy friends (Derek, Justin, and company--practically a high school reunion). They had their annual "Pumpkin Party" (with a keg of Pumpkin Beer from our local brewery). This year it was out in the country, there was a huge bonfire, a tractor led hayride (possibly my favorite part of the evening-well that, and the "dance-off") and enough stories from the past to keep us laughing 'til next year.

We have so much to be thankful for...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Super Bug

Every night on news (both local and national) there are stories about the latest "health scare" (remember Sars, West Nile, Bird Flu, Mad Cow). The illness "du jour" happens to be this MRSA staph infection, aka "Super Bug". MRSA kills more Americans annually than AIDS (yet the federal AIDS research budget is over 13 times larger than that for the whole field of antimicrobial resistance)...kinda crazy. How do I know?

I had this MRSA staph infection last year (where were the news reports then?) I got it in the hospital, after I had Brooke, and let me tell you...the staph was WAY worse than delivering any baby (trust me, I've done it a few times). At the time, my doctor said it was the worst case he'd ever seen. I had eight different spots on my body that were infected, 4 of which had to be drained and packed with gauze every day/other day for nearly a month. Yes, lovely visual, I know. I made it through 3 pregnancies with no stretchmarks on my belly, now I have 2 big ugly scars like eyes on each side of my belly button...nice. It was an awful experiences and the worst pain I've ever had. Of course, my immune system was down as I was recovering from childbirth (double whammy) and I had my 2 other children that never slowed down.

I love that doctors refer to it as the "cockroach of bacteria".

But the flu kills twice as many people than MRSA each year, it's weird what the media will focus on.
Don't get me started on the whole Britney thing again.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Halloween Pictures

As promised, here are the munchkins...
Miss Tinkerbell
Scary Spidey'man
Lil' Ladybug

The trio with our spiderweb cake!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Blurry October

Does anyone else seem like October passed in a blur?
I guess I have a lot of catch-up to do.

First, we sold our house (the one that burnt down). That actually happened in September. The house is beautiful inside. In fact, I kind of wish we would have put a second story on it and moved back in.

I've been allergy tested...twice. And basically I'm allergic to everything. I'm a mess. One of the things I'm off the charts allergic to is Birch trees. Now this is pretty ironic because I grew up on Birch Tree Drive (my mom still lives there) and we have the only Birch tree on the whole street in our front yard. Crazy. Also says I'm allergic to pretty much everything they tested for (except mold and cockroaches). You can see I pretty much reacted to everything. They did that on both arms...twice...and told me not to itch...that is one of the hardest things to not do.

We took our annual visit to the Pumpkin Patch in Bixby. Took Riley's best friend Jack and his family with us. It was like 90 degrees...totally not pumpkin patch weather, but that's Oklahoma for you...the weather is like a box of chocolates...(you know the rest).

If it's a Saturday in October it means were out on the soccer field cheering on Riley. She's gotten so much better as the season has gone on and is having a lot of fun with her little friends on the team.

October brought visitors to T-town.
We got to meet our newest little nephew, Clark who is just precious. Of course Katie and Wesley were here too, Wesley had a job interview (and got the job), which means they'll be moving back soon.

My dad who had to come in the country on business and got to swing by Tulsa for a few days before heading back to the Middle East. He got to help take the kids trick-or-treating and we really enjoyed having him here. Sampson has been moping since he left. Sampson got A LOT of attention that he hasn't gotten recently due to our increasingly busy schedules.

Jarrod and Paula came up from Dallas with Brody for his 1st trip to Tulsa.

October also brought some old friends for the big Homecoming game.
Levi, Clarissa, and their 2 boys stayed with us and we always love hanging out with them. More than any other of Wade's college friends, Levi and Wade are the closest to "twinkies" as you can get. Wade nearly wet his pants waiting to talk business ventures with Levi.
Homecoming brought back some of my favorite sorority sisters too and we took a tour of the DDD house and couldn't believe the changes. Not just the decor (which is WAY better than my tenure there), but (for example) they don't have phones in their rooms. We used to send messages to the whole house via voicemail on our phones. I asked how they took care of that now, and she looked at me like I was a dinosaur and said, "we do email for that" (duh) was just beginning in popularity when I started college. They all have cell phones so they don't really need room phones. Wow.

Brooke has become a climber. She likes scale anything dangerous...including tables and bunk beds. One morning, I found her on the top bunk playing up there with Cade. This has happened twice so now we have to take the ladder out every morning.

October is full of fun Fall activities and I accompanied Riley's class on it's first field trip to the pumpkin patch. Here's a pic with her Kindergarten teacher, Miss Baker.

We went to Main Street Broken Arrow and celebrated with their fall fun night. Some may remember the video I sent last year of Cade shaking his toosh in his little Incredibles (Dash) costume. Same event.

And of course Halloween always closes out October, and just like any other kids, my kids LOVE trick-or-treating, candy, and all things spooky (not real spooky, just sort of spooky).I'll put out individual pics of the kids in the next few days...unfortunately the pictures don't do them justice.
But they were the cutest little trick-or-treaters.

I hope to get back to more regular blogging, but life has been getting in the way.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Blog Update for Fall

Thought I'd update the blog a bit, so I put some new pictures in the slideshow and changed the colors to make it more seasonal for fall. I'll try to post soon.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

TU/OU game

No need to review the score of the TU/OU game. But thought I'd share this photo I took with all of you...Our stadium (which to me, will always be Skelly Stadium...not Skelly Field at H. Chapman Stadium like it was renamed). Just kidding, I didn't really take the picture, but thought it was a good one. It was actually taken during the game.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Scapbook or Puke? What to do?

My big weekend away turned into a major bust. On Saturday, I either got food poisoning or a stomach bug and was pretty much unable to function the entire time. I'm still feeling the effects of it 4 days later.
Just hope to get better by Friday for the TU/OU game. We haven't played them in a couple years but all the streets around the school close off, and the campus becomes one HUGE block party/tailgate. I get the benefits of being married to one of the Board of Directors for the Letterman's Association so our tailgate spot is smack dab in front of the stadium. Go Cane!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm bugged...

Sarah recently mentioned this and I gotta tell you, this really bothers me too. I usually prefer to blog about my family, but this is still getting buzz.
Darin always writes about "world-ly" issues, so now it's my turn.

September 11th...the worst day, arguably, in our history (I was not alive during Pearl Harbor, so cannot speak to that). One would think most of the media coverage would be about remembering what happened 6 years ago, or the servicemen (and women) over there - which currently includes one of my brothers. Between my brothers this is the 5th deployment to Iraq for my family...NOT including my cousins or cousin in law (also currently in Fallujah).

But, far and away the "story du jour" is Britney Spear's performance at the VMA's.

I did not watch the VMA's, but you cannot turn on the TV without seeing the clips of the show. It's no secret the girl is going through some major issues. BUT everyone has been negatively commenting on her weight...and while she does not look like she did at 16 (do you?) She did have 2 babies within 1 year of each other and I think looks pretty darn good...this pic to left is from the actual performance in question (stolen directly from Sarah's blog).

Do I think she's a role
Do I think she's a good
Is she making good choices...clearly not.
I've never been a fan, but give the girl a break.

Criticize her performance...she lip synced, forgot the words, clearly hadn't practiced her routine. But it's out of line to criticize her weight.
This is the reason so many girls have self-image issues.
And the reason as a mom of 2 girls, I have to say, enough already.

And while I'm on the topic...what is with Entertainment Tonight's nightly reports about baby "Dannilyn's" upcoming 1st birthday. No disrespect, but does anyone really care? Did they follow Lisa Marie like that after Elvis died? I don't think so - and Anna Nicole was a playmate...not an American Icon. Give it a rest.

Just to sneak it better news, Riley received her AWANA vest last night (which she had to earn for learning her bible verses). She lost her 1st soccer game (of which they don't keep "official" scores at her age, but you know all the parents keep a tally in their heads). They got creamed (like 16 to 3)...I guess 5 year olds don't have a "10-run" (or 10-goal in this case) rule. Although another mom and I were joking about how the other team was "funded". They all had matching shorts and socks (coach included). (Riley is the pig-tailed one in the white shirt)Cade is now not eating the crust on his sandwiches (the little booger)...but he is progressing with the potty-training. He goes to the potty about 80% of the time. He still wears a diaper for naps and bed-time. Brooke is becoming a little screamer (happy, mad, doesnt' matter) and very independent.

And I am getting away for the first time by myself. My scrapbook store has their annual retreat this weekend in Gore, Oklahoma (I am 1/2 working, 1/2 playing)...I will work a couple of hours each day (to pay my room and board) and will scrapbook the rest of the time. Woo Hoo!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Rocky Mountain High...and still coming down.

We went to Colorado over Labor Day this year. Emily was getting married (on Cade's Birthday to be exact) so we decided we'd take the kids and make a family vacation out of it.
(picture to left was taken at Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Forest)

Emily got married in Estes about a beautiful place. Colorado is pretty, but there's something truly special about Estes Park. Emily got married outdooors, in front of Lake Estes (which is in front of the mountains)...and it was the perfect day, with an incredible backdrop.

We had an unbelievable trip. First, we spent a day in Colorado Springs and hiked all over the Garden of the Gods.

Spent a day in Denver and toured the Museum of Nature and Science. I'd never seen a real dinosaur skeleton before (and they had MANY)--they also had a whale skeleton-which was pretty crazy, if you haven't seen one. We were also able to spend some time with Wade's uncle while we were there too. Missed seeing Mimi (who just happened to be coming to Tulsa that weekend)...what are the odds?

Spent the next couple of days in Estes. We just ran from one thing to the next, we didn't really ever stop. One of the highlights was "playing" with the Elk that came right up to us in town. (Seriously, came right up to us. Wade thought he might stick his head in the stroller and take a nibble on our sweet Brooke).

Another highlight (and my favorite) was taking the "gondola" up in the Rockies.

Wade and I had a mini-argument over this. It went something like this:
I'm driving and he says, "we should turn here"
(I continue to drive past where he tells me to turn).
"Wade, that is not where we turn...that turn is for the tram that takes you up the mountain."
"Jenny, that IS where we are GOING".
"Wade, you said we said we were going to ride in a gondola".
Wade replies, "that is the gondola".
"What??? I was thinking we were going to a river, lake, etc..."
to which Wade replies..."Jenny, we are NOT in Venice."
Now that is silly to me, but I guess the Coloradoans call ski-lifts and this type of thing - gondolas. I guess, when in Colorado....

Now at the top they had a ton of chipmunks that were used to being fed. They'd crawl right up in your hand and stuff their little cheeks with as many peanuts as you'd give them.
This may have been the kids favorite thing (other than the pools at the hotels, which if you ask...they'll tell you was their favorite).

We looked at a little real estate while we were there. I swear Wade still wants to make an offer on one that we saw. I think I could live there (at least until the weather turns cold...then I'll be praying for Tulsa's winter again). I'm not a big fan of snow...
Maybe we need to vacation to Maui or St. Lucia there is a place I'd never leave.
But Estes Park (and our other adventures in Colorado) sure were fun!
But now, I need a vacation from my vacation.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Birthdays and Births...

So much has happened since I last posted, So I'll break it up into a couple of posts...

Brooke and Cade had their Birthday Party.

We had a ton of fun. I attempted to make my mom's famous spaghetti (and I did alright), it did taste good...but it did not taste like my moms. I followed the recipe exactly...but she must improvise, which I didn't do this thyme (ha, get it?)

All the kids get their very own chair on their 1st birthday and Brooke is no exception... (although it still needs monogrammed). The chairs are so cute, but darn it, if they don't take up a lot of room. Oh well, she loved it and that's all that matters.

We have also been blessed with a new nephew, who was born on Wade's parents anniversary (pretty good gift)...His name is Clark and I do not have a picture yet, so I'll put up one of the kids with their Papa, now they have to share him. (For those wondering, he is not Clark Clark as some have thought...Katie does have a different last name now...)

Cade is 3 now, and the full-out potty-training has begun. Our doc recommended instead of rewards (which we have been using, with little success), to have it be a "rite of passage". (Is that spelled right? Should it be rite or right? Anyway... she had a talk with him and explained, "Cade, now that you are three, you GET to use the big boy potty". That tactic may work with some, but mine are a bit stubborn -- they must get that from their dad ;)

So we are now trying what worked with Riley, which we call the "bye bye diaper" method. (Which is much harder on the mom by the way...that is why I'm attempting it last). He has some fancy "Cars" undies (of which he only wants to wear the Lightning ones). "They" say that kids don't like to be dirty/wet so they will use the potty. Not Cade. Every 30 min to an hour I'll ask and take him to the potty and several times he has had wet undies. He even pooped it up big-time on a playdate (I mean...diarrhea style, 1/2runny 1/2 chunky...) and didn't tell anyone. We heard little Jack blame it on his sister, "Hannah! Did you go poo poo in your's Stinky!" (which Nicole and I both heard and fooling ourselves into thinking it was "contained" in a diaper...we didn't bother to check right away)...

Oh the joys of motherhood...

Friday, August 24, 2007

367 days old

Brooke had her 1st Birthday on Wednesday. My baby is officially not a baby but a toddler now. Don't have a lot of time to post a new entry but wanted to get a few pics out of her big day.

Party is this weekend (Jointly with Cade, who turns 3 in a few days).

I DO NOT want to be a birthday princess right now!

What in the world is that? Hey guys, a little help?

What do you mean I have something on my face?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Big Yellow Monster

Monday was hard. Very hard.

I felt like heart was ripped out of my chest.

Riley got on as if she'd been doing it for fear, no looking back.

It was really rough on us, I had knots in my stomach all day. Cade kept asking for his "Wy-wee", which was hard. They are best buds...Mommy is not as good a playmate.

They like to rip off the sheets and make forts, mommy likes the beds to stay made...but just for today we did what we could to make it easier for both of us.

We made her cookies for when she got home. I know it would have been easier for me if I had taken and picked her up.
The bus didn't drop her off until 4:15!

Yesterday and today have been easier but I don't even think her going to kindergarten all day is the problem. We definitely stay busy...I think the bus is the hardest part.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wedding Weekend

Heath and Pearl got married this past weekend!!!

Although a tad hot (expected in August), otherwise a Perfect day. They are really happy together. Everything turned out beautiful and the reception was a ton of fun. The kids danced the night away, and although we had all 3 there, we managed to close the party down.

("You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling" moment!)

Riley and Cade were both in the wedding (along with our niece Kate' and nephew Aiden) and I have to say, all the kids were adorable. I didn't really get any good ones with all the kids, there's always one that is looking away, crying, turned around, etc... Hopefully Lori or Annette captured one.

Although it is a bit sad. It's the last wedding, all the Wilson's are married off now. But I guess the kids will start a new round of weddings in about 20 years. In the meantime, Kindergarten awaits...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

She's a walkin'

So our biggest news is that Brooke is walking. Well, she's not really walking yet, but she has taken her 1st steps. She takes about 4 steps before she tumbles. It's so much fun to watch that. I love when they start walking...she gets so excited with herself that she forgets what she's doing, throws her hands in the air and falls face down on the ground...then lifts her head up with the hugest grin.

Grandpa got a finch feeder for Father's Day...but because he is a half a world away, we are using it until his return to the states. The kids love watching the birds eat upside down.

These pictures are from SuperHero night at Chick-fil-A. Riley doesn't really have a proper costume, so she went as Tinkerbell, and I'm not sure who Brooke is supposed to be, but we got this baby mask there, and we couldn't stop laughing at her in it. (It was much funnier in person)