Friday, September 07, 2007

Birthdays and Births...

So much has happened since I last posted, So I'll break it up into a couple of posts...

Brooke and Cade had their Birthday Party.

We had a ton of fun. I attempted to make my mom's famous spaghetti (and I did alright), it did taste good...but it did not taste like my moms. I followed the recipe exactly...but she must improvise, which I didn't do this thyme (ha, get it?)

All the kids get their very own chair on their 1st birthday and Brooke is no exception... (although it still needs monogrammed). The chairs are so cute, but darn it, if they don't take up a lot of room. Oh well, she loved it and that's all that matters.

We have also been blessed with a new nephew, who was born on Wade's parents anniversary (pretty good gift)...His name is Clark and I do not have a picture yet, so I'll put up one of the kids with their Papa, now they have to share him. (For those wondering, he is not Clark Clark as some have thought...Katie does have a different last name now...)

Cade is 3 now, and the full-out potty-training has begun. Our doc recommended instead of rewards (which we have been using, with little success), to have it be a "rite of passage". (Is that spelled right? Should it be rite or right? Anyway... she had a talk with him and explained, "Cade, now that you are three, you GET to use the big boy potty". That tactic may work with some, but mine are a bit stubborn -- they must get that from their dad ;)

So we are now trying what worked with Riley, which we call the "bye bye diaper" method. (Which is much harder on the mom by the way...that is why I'm attempting it last). He has some fancy "Cars" undies (of which he only wants to wear the Lightning ones). "They" say that kids don't like to be dirty/wet so they will use the potty. Not Cade. Every 30 min to an hour I'll ask and take him to the potty and several times he has had wet undies. He even pooped it up big-time on a playdate (I mean...diarrhea style, 1/2runny 1/2 chunky...) and didn't tell anyone. We heard little Jack blame it on his sister, "Hannah! Did you go poo poo in your's Stinky!" (which Nicole and I both heard and fooling ourselves into thinking it was "contained" in a diaper...we didn't bother to check right away)...

Oh the joys of motherhood...

1 comment:

Renee said...

that's hilarious about the potty-training...Dane is right there with Cade...temper tantrums when he has to stop playing to use the potty...and he doesn't care about getting Lightening McQeen or Thomas the Train wet with pee...maybe by the time they are 4 they'll use the potty!