Wednesday, April 28, 2010

From Zero to One, in a Flash

My baby is ONE. I've had a hard day today. Maybe because my cousin Roxanne lost her youngest son yesterday, and I keep thinking that would be my J.P. It's just so heart wrenching. I pray I never have to know that heartache. Sure makes you evaluate your life and remember that this is really the only moment you have for sure, we tend to forget that in the daily grind of life. I know that I'm not having anymore babies and there is nothing I can do to stop J.P. from growing up. From here on out he's a toddler not a baby and there's no going back. So, I have hugged and loved all over him today-which he loves...but, he reaches the point where he just wants me to put him down so he can MOVE...(I could see him thinking, "Enough already Mom!")
I just love him so much. He is so unbelievably happy. All the time. We are so blessed.
His face here is just saying, "Ummm...what is that? Hey guys, a little help here?" And his brother and sisters were happy to oblige. Next year he'll be doing it himself...but this year he's got some people to show him the ropes.
His favorite dinner for his birthday...Hot dogs and apples.

Followed by a little mischief after dessert.

Happy Birthday my love.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Such a big boy!

This boy is one amazing little dude. Cade took his training wheels off yesterday and almost immediately took off on his own.

He's a natural. I'm so proud of him, what an awesome kid! (Had to brag on him a bit...he is so happy with himself). As far as he's concerned this is the best day of his life!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My prince...

I'm wondering how long it will take him to figure out I put this pic out on the blog. I literally have hundreds of these pictures in the 13 years we've been a couple.
Wade loves to jump in random pictures. During this one, I was taking pictures of the house to put on our "for sale" flyer and Wade jumped in. Once, Annette was telling me how she was searching through her pictures and came across a pic of someone's bare hiney...guess who?
I tell Riley all the time..."Riley, marry someone who makes you laugh"....because when you don't like them very much that can go a LONG way.
But I do like him. Very much.
Today anyway. ;)