Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Funny Thing

Why do my kids always vomit when Wade is out of town?

Cade (in the middle of the night) surprised me with a nice little throw up session (after eating lasagna for dinner). I guess if it's gonna be on the carpet, at least the red shows up well.
Funny how they have that radar...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Need Sleep

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one.
(Leo J. Burke)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday

So I know the country is hanging on the vote...so I'll break the suspense.
The winner is...A Separate Peace (John Knowles). I've already read this one, but I don't remember a lot about it, other than I really liked it. Micki and I made a short video about it for our 20th Century Authors class back in high school. Although Micki and I have many videos from our 20 years of friendship...the most popular and widely seen being our debut..."Jenny and the Junkfood". Truly Oscar worthy.

For the 1st time in my life I actually care about the election, but I will not be voting today. Why? Because I am registered as an Independent, and in Oklahoma we don't get a say this round.
It's funny, I took one of those internet quizzes someone sent me on "who should I vote for" and it told me I should vote for Hillary (what the what?). We were 42% compatible. I'm NOT a Hillary person, and I think her hubby's a bit of a scumbag (which reflects on her...you are judged by the company you keep). I don't know why they gave me her...maybe because of stem-cell research and the environment? Although I'm with the other side on other issues.
If anyone cares about my 2 cents...I hope its a McCain/Obama race. In fact, I think it' be perfect if they'd go bi-partisan and have a McCain-pres, Obama-v.p. ticket. They'd be rockstars.

If you want to take the quiz here it is...http://www.wqad.com/Global/link.asp?L=259460
There is a jillion of them out there...some very in depth. I've taken others and gotten (thankfully) different results.

Let me know your results.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Wish you were here

Some may not think Oklahoma is all that exciting a place to live, those have never lived here. Oklahoma weather is something else. Today it was 80! 80 degrees in February. Tomorrow there is a chance for snow (and this is not abnormal...Oklahomans kinda expect this). Shorts or sweaters (sometimes you need both in the same day). I remember in college there was literally a 40+ degree change and we started off in tank tops and ended the day in parkas.

Thanks to everyone for the comments and emails for my book club selection. I will let you know the winner! I'm pulling a bit for the Time Traveler book Jessica and Harrison suggested. Of course I'd like anything Jess likes...we've always been like peas in a pod.