Tuesday, July 24, 2007

She's a walkin'

So our biggest news is that Brooke is walking. Well, she's not really walking yet, but she has taken her 1st steps. She takes about 4 steps before she tumbles. It's so much fun to watch that. I love when they start walking...she gets so excited with herself that she forgets what she's doing, throws her hands in the air and falls face down on the ground...then lifts her head up with the hugest grin.

Grandpa got a finch feeder for Father's Day...but because he is a half a world away, we are using it until his return to the states. The kids love watching the birds eat upside down.

These pictures are from SuperHero night at Chick-fil-A. Riley doesn't really have a proper costume, so she went as Tinkerbell, and I'm not sure who Brooke is supposed to be, but we got this baby mask there, and we couldn't stop laughing at her in it. (It was much funnier in person)

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