Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Pre-K Thanksgiving Feast

So Riley has been excited for a while now about this big FEAST her class was throwing before Thanksgiving Break. They all made paper sack vests and head pieces with paper feathers...its a very big event in our little world. It was today. Since I'm a home-room mom I volunteered to bring some things - including the pumpkin pie.

So you know on the "Christmas Story" where the dad is ga-ga over his turkey and the mom wont let him sample even a bit...the turkey takes all day - and all day he trys to get just a little taste. That was my pie. Not that it was a masterpiece in itself (cause lets face it, pumpkin pie is pumpkin pie, not difficult to make)...BUT to keep pie out of the hands of 2 little ones and 1 big one is a task.
Well for all that know the "Christmas Story" - the dad never got to eat the turkey...because it ended up on the floor and in the dogs stomach. About an hour before Riley leaves for school I'm messing around in the kitchen. I turn around for a split second to check on where the kids were. Now do you ever have one of those moments where you see something but it doesnt quite register til a second or two later? (Like you see someone you know but dont realize you know them until they've passed). I see Cade behind me, I turn back around for maybe a mili-second and do a double take. He is on his tiptoes, pie teetering on the edge of the counter, half of the filling hollowed out with his four finger scoop, shoveling it into his face as fast as he can fill his hand.

I dont have any pictures because I was too bitter to snap them. But I'll leave you with this picture of a Turkey that Riley colored for the local grocery store's contest. Also a "turkey" that she made in MOPS last tuesday.

Happy Thanksgiving if I dont get back on before then...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Rolen, Rolen, Rolen...

That's a shout out to our world champs. But in our house it means something else now. For you non-"Lou"-ers, I'll spell it right..."Rolling, rolling, rolling..." Our baby is mobile! Brooke rolled over on Friday.

Front to back. Very Exciting!

We also found a catapillar (is that spelled right?) that Im sure was fearing for his life.

He was nearly smushed a dozen times before we "lost" him in what must have been a suicide attempt/jump on behalf of the worm.
Documented here...

Bad camera angle due to sudden shriek of little girl as if her own life was in question.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Nothing New

Nothing new to report.
Just wanted to get this cute pic of Brooke out for you.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Clear as Mud

I guess I need to be more specific when I talk. I let the kids in the backyard to play today (since they say this is our last 80 degree day for a while). Now last week they got their shoes all muddy from playing out after a big rain. So I said, "Now I dont want you all stepping in the mud...we dont want to ruin our shoes again". And this is what greets me at the door after I took my eyes off them to do some things around the house.

Technically she cant get in trouble. She didnt actally stand in it.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Still Learning...

I used to think those people that said. "my kid just wont take a pacifier" just didnt try hard enough. Riley and Cade both rejected it at the beginning until they learned to suck right. But we just kept pushing it and they succombed. Then I had Brooke. This one just refuses. She is a true blue thumbsucker.

She spits the paci out and goes for the thumb almost every time. Oh, sure, she'll suck the paci for a few minutes, but never very long. We keep pushing it though. I take too many long car trips to "the Lou" for her not to take a pacifier. And I do NOT want a thumbsucker. Breaking the kids of the paci has been pretty easy for us...but I dont really want to cut off a thumb.

So like I said...I used to think those people that said "my kid just wont take a pacifier" just didnt try hard enough...I've changed my thinking. Much like I used to believe it was the parents fault of those misbehaved children at Target that threw full out and out tantrums.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Back at Work

So I worked my 1st crop on Friday night since Brooke. Dont know if I can handle crops yet. The working part was fine, and we have a ton of new stuff it really makes me want to scrapbook A LOT. And it was fun to see everyone...of course everyone wanted to see pictures of the baby (which, no I didnt have with me). But getting home at 1 and taking to till 2 to fall asleep then having Brooke get up at 3 and 6 was very un-fun.
Then my hubby...God Bless him. Everyone was asking how he was doing with the 3...so I called around 9-ish to check. He answered the phone asking me if there was a fire. I said no. He said (gruffily), "well Im trying to feed Brooke, and I've got 2 kids that need to be in bed, and the phones ringing..." (Inside I was smiling...not so easy, huh?) He tried to make the kids pudding. Which turned out to be 4 bowls of yellow and brown colored runny substance. I never really got an answer on that. I asked him what happened and he said he used water instead of milk. (Not sure if he was trying to save money by doing water, or if we were running low on milk and wanted to make sure we had some at breakfast)...he just said, "I dont know why I did water". Dont know if hes planning on drinking it, but they are still in the fridge (Sunday afternoon). I never found out why he did it twice either. I guess after he did the chocolate he thought it might work with the butterscotch?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Closing out October

Ok, so I'll probably only get to update this once every week or two (if that). And with the weekend coming up, I thought I better put some pictures out of what we've done the last 2 weeks.
2 weeks ago we went to the Pumpkin Patch in Bixby. Lots of fun...at the beginning. Leaving was rough.

They make it so fun that the kids dont want to leave.

Brooke had her 2 month check up. Shes up to 11 pounds. Started off the smallest but may be our biggest kid. Shes in the 50th%...both others have always been in 10th% (except Cade when he was born). She has also started to smile this week. Thats fun.

We got Family Portraits taken, dont have them back...more on that later.
I started back at Scraphappys on Saturday. It was fun to see everyone again. I only worked a few hours because of the nursing with Brooke, but they are letting me start back slow.

Riley had her final Soccer game on Saturday. She got a trophy, that she is SOOOO proud of...she loves it so much we found her LICKING it. Guess she gets that from Sampson.

Then there was Halloween. Only in Oklahoma can it be nearly 80 one day and the very next its in the 30's. Its insane. Then back up to 70 the next. Its not consistent...except in July/August...with 100+ weather. Back to Halloween, this year Riley KNEW what she wanted to be...I guess my years of picking out costumes are over with her. I still have Cade and Brooke for another year or two.

I did not get a star quality photo as these kids have minds of their own...wanting mommy scrapbooker to work for that layout.

However I must say my kids were among the cutest of all the kids we saw (and we trick or treated 3 different times this year).

The cold didnt seem to bother the kids much, but it took away from their costumes.