Friday, January 30, 2009

Catching up on 08...moving on to 09

Ok, I get it...I'm a bad blogger.

It's been a month and a half since my last post. I guess since my dad is back from Afghanistan I dont feel the sense of urgency I had before. But for the other 2 people who read this here are the highlights since my last update...

Christmas Train! Had to get a few of the pics out there because in re-reading my last post, I said I would...

NYC has the Rockefeller Christmas Tree...Tulsa has Rhema Bible College. A 'must' Tulsa tradition for any family at Christmas time.

Christmas was good. I was actually sad when Winter Break was over. I didn't want the kids to go back to school. Of course Wade was home for 2 weeks and we had so much fun doing silly family stuff. If you ask the kids their favorite part of Christmas Break they wont say Christmas...we let them stay up as late as they wanted one night and watched movies, ate popcorn, made one told them what time they had to go to bed. Brooke and I were the 1st ones gone (12:30)....Riley and Cade followed soon after. Wade put us all to bed. Riley was so mad when she woke up. She had wanted to make it ALL night. This picture to the left is Christmas (mid-morning) with my kiddos and our nephew Clark at their grandparents house.

Wade and I were in charge of the meat this year and made my mom's famous Prime Rib. It was delish. I made twice-baked potatos and a 'Legal Seafood' seafood casserole, homemade rolls (Carol's there any other?) and this "Snowman Cake". It would have been much easier to just have the dinner at our house, but there's something about going to Grandma's house for Christmas we schlepped it all over there. The snowman cake was made out of oreos and chocolate was out of a kid's cookbook...but it was actually pretty good. It's hard to go wrong with Oreo's in anything.

One of my oldest friends (23 years now) got married...perhaps the most fabulous wedding we've ever been was unbelievable. It made me want to do it all over (of course with Wade again!) And Mandy looked gorgeous. She went all out and it was just the most amazing reception. Here's a pic of in my big fat prego dress... Wish I had a better picture but like I tell Riley 'you get what you get, and you dont throw a fit'.

Here is a group of us preggo's from Natalie's shower, lined up in order of our due date. I've got the 2nd to last due date and somehow I look like the biggest one out there.
It's funny when I was pregnant 7 1/2 years ago with my 1st I didnt have any (Tulsa) friends with kids. Now that I'm pregnant with my last everyone is goes way beyond this pic...Riley is going to be able to babysit for all their kids.