Friday, August 24, 2007

367 days old

Brooke had her 1st Birthday on Wednesday. My baby is officially not a baby but a toddler now. Don't have a lot of time to post a new entry but wanted to get a few pics out of her big day.

Party is this weekend (Jointly with Cade, who turns 3 in a few days).

I DO NOT want to be a birthday princess right now!

What in the world is that? Hey guys, a little help?

What do you mean I have something on my face?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Big Yellow Monster

Monday was hard. Very hard.

I felt like heart was ripped out of my chest.

Riley got on as if she'd been doing it for fear, no looking back.

It was really rough on us, I had knots in my stomach all day. Cade kept asking for his "Wy-wee", which was hard. They are best buds...Mommy is not as good a playmate.

They like to rip off the sheets and make forts, mommy likes the beds to stay made...but just for today we did what we could to make it easier for both of us.

We made her cookies for when she got home. I know it would have been easier for me if I had taken and picked her up.
The bus didn't drop her off until 4:15!

Yesterday and today have been easier but I don't even think her going to kindergarten all day is the problem. We definitely stay busy...I think the bus is the hardest part.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wedding Weekend

Heath and Pearl got married this past weekend!!!

Although a tad hot (expected in August), otherwise a Perfect day. They are really happy together. Everything turned out beautiful and the reception was a ton of fun. The kids danced the night away, and although we had all 3 there, we managed to close the party down.

("You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling" moment!)

Riley and Cade were both in the wedding (along with our niece Kate' and nephew Aiden) and I have to say, all the kids were adorable. I didn't really get any good ones with all the kids, there's always one that is looking away, crying, turned around, etc... Hopefully Lori or Annette captured one.

Although it is a bit sad. It's the last wedding, all the Wilson's are married off now. But I guess the kids will start a new round of weddings in about 20 years. In the meantime, Kindergarten awaits...