Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sick and Stir Crazy

The last time I posted an entry was a little over a week ago. I tend to update the site while Riley is at school (if I can get the other 2 to nap at the same time) or late at night after everyone is asleep. Little did I know that as I was posting my last entry on the blog my daughter was in the nurses office at her school with a 103.3 (oral) temp. So it turns out that all 3 kids have RSV. And as a double whammy, Riley also has a pretty substantial case of pneumonia. So we have once again been hermits for a week. Yesterday we went for a "re-check" to make sure Riley was clearing up and the diagnosis...all 3 have ear infections. We missed school all last week, missed church, missed Adonis's Superbowl Party, missed MOPS today, again we're stir crazy, AND the weather is beautiful--it's 65 today. Wade has been in Denver this week. He is home tomorrow and Thursday and then we wont see him again until the following Friday. So of the 12 days, he'll be home 10 of them. Now tell me that is a bit unfair? :(
I thought about going home, but I can't with the sick-o's. So I'm stuck.
As my sister-in-law Lindsey and I were talking about...there are 2 kinds of sick. The kind where you get to skip school and lay on the couch and watch movies all day.
Then there is this kind...

Just miserable and nothing helps.
This is what the kids bathroom counter looks like.
The kitchen counter is much the same. They all have to do breathing treatments, so it's loaded up with the nebulizer and the masks and the medicines for that .
The highlight of my week...that little glimmer that keeps me going--is that LOST is back on tomorrow night. Can't wait for that. And they moved it to a later time so we wont miss the beginning when we're putting the kids down anymore. Lovin' that!
And Riley is feeling a ton better than she was last week. All of their fevers are gone so I can only hope the other 2 are following suit.


Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear about the kids...as our lives tend to parallel eachother...cam has been out all week sick and ella has had oh, hives a virus and now a double ear infection :) I wanted to go home too as Darin is headed for Denver...wierd
thinking of you
much love

Renee said...

Oh, Jenny, I'm so sorry about the RSV stuff. Not fun: Drake had it, shared it with Dane and then Dane returned the favor back to Drake. No ear aches though. Give everyone big hugs and you take care of yourself too.

Anonymous said...

The New Kids made me laugh. But it wasn't Donnie for me--only Jordan. I had so much new kids stuff on my walls. And buttons, which I put on my purse, on my backpack, and probably even wore. Buttons? Why? We thought we were so cool. Thanks for the smile!