Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Valentines

My valentine is out of town, so these 3 became my valentines yesterday.

I know the day is supposed to be for Wade and I...but I dont know...Valentine's day just isnt a big deal to me. I'd really rather get flowers on a random day when Wade is just feeling the need to show some love. But as far as Valentine's day goes, I'm not a flower girl, I'm a little too practical for that, spend the money to get me an hour massage...

Now Valentines is a HUGE day if you're school-aged. Riley made her box and decorated it all up and was so excited for her school party. (I remember how fun that was!) She picked out Shrek valentines and her first special valentine was a boy named Griffin. He is the class "bad boy". Always getting in trouble and sent to time-out. When we have parties at the school he's the kid belching and making all the kids laugh and act up. And somehow she is crazy about him, she talks about him all the time. When it is her snack day and she gets to pick the helper...she chooses Griffin. This is her special friend. She picked out her first valentine for him. "This one is for Griffin...mommy! I want this one for Griffin. Mom---did you address this one to Griffin, cause this one is for Griffin!" Enough of Griffin. She's enthralled with him. Hope it's a stage. But I guess she comes by it honestly. I had a bad boy phase...his name was Donnie Wahlberg. And my room in middle school was dripping with him. It's like the New Kids threw up in my room and little Donnie chunks landed everywhere.


Anonymous said...

egad, commented on the wrong post! Well, I guess the whole New Kids theme probably didn't make it too hard to figure out!

Sarah said...

That was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Those babies are so beautiful. You make me more often :)

PTR Group said...

Great Pictures