Thursday, February 22, 2007

Goodbye to my Youth...

Yikes. I'm 30 today. 30! Doesn't that sound so old? Wasn't I just partying with my friends at JR's? It does seem like a little while since high school, my reunion helped me with that, but I was JUST in college. I still think of myself as a little bit fun and cool (yes Chad, Todd & Heath...I know, I've never been cool). But I don't know what's in fashion or how "they" wear their hair these the "Rachel" still in? So I'm taking a page from my friend Sarah's blog. Almost every post she puts down 10 things she's grateful/happy for.
So here's my list paying homage to this birthday: 30 things I'm happy/grateful for (in no particular order):
  1. The 2nd anniversary of my 29th birthday (because it means I'm still alive...old, but alive).

  2. Wade--the most perfect match for me & such an involved dad. I sure lucked out with him. (Quick side note: my Tulsa sisters will remember my first crush at TU (Erich Shadle)...ran into him a couple weekends ago. He was a waiter at the restaurant we were at. He's still a cutie, but his line of work would definately not support my 3 kids. He asked if we were in Tulsa or St. Louis now, so he gets definate "cool points" for remembering where I am from.
  3. My Scrapbooking hobby-gives me an outlet for the 1000's of pictures I take.
  4. Mt. Dew
  5. My daily Y & R (Young & the Restless), because I've been following it for over 20 years (now that makes me sound old....and pathetic) but Mandy and I used to sneak a little portable TV up to Sunnybrooke Pool and watch it...that was 4th grade.
  6. My high school friends. There is something about the people that have known you through these years that is bonding for life. Special kudos to Derek and Justin who always treat me like I've never been gone...even though I haven't lived there since '95. My grade school friends (mostly Micki and Mandy-who know what a geek I really am from my "head gear/braces/retainer" days.) and maybe the only 2 friends who really know my natural hair color :) (for those keeping track-it's dark again)
  7. Riley-my curly headed spaz-that has more energy than most 4 (almost 5) year olds. And is a bigger help than I could ever imagine.

  8. Bubble Baths, a glass of Reisling, and my Creating Keepsakes magazine (my favorite nightime ritual)
  9. The computer-because I might not be in touch with some old friends if not for email. And for my friends that blog. Jaye...thanks for introducing me (and for letting me steal your template...almost exactly).
  10. My mini-van. The first sign that I was old. I held off as long as I could but child #3 did me in. As far as minivans go, we're pretty blessed. Got everything we need and more...AND (Chad) it was the #1 ranked in Consumer Reports (easily beat out the Seinna).
  11. Cade-and eyes that glisten when he smiles
  12. Buckets-to catch puke so you don't have to clean as much out of the carpet
  13. Music. It can take you back to another time. The Doors remind me of high school and Derek's house - "Island" dancing--Karen and Dave leading us all (thats D's parents for those that weren't lucky enough to be there). "Return of the Mac"...definately college and my sorority sisters. "Anvil Chorus" my dad pulling in and blarring it in the garage. Classical-Mom. Ratt-Chad. "Eye of the Tiger"--cheering. The year we all got new mattresses and we spent a few weeks with all the neighbors bouncing on the old ones in the garage to "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake (on a mixed tape we had to make by recording the song off of the radio)...back then there was no downloading music-you usually ended up with the DJ talking over the beginning and/or end. Fun times.
  14. Brooke-my stationary little angel. I have only about another month before she becomes mobile and knocks my world upside down
  15. My job at Scraphappys. Supports my habit, and allows me the chance to "escape" from the house when I need it.
  16. Health-With all the things that could go wrong we are so blessed to be healthy and have 3 healthy kids...and we have a (half-eaten) jar of that tainted peanut butter and we're all good.
  17. My family-Mom, Dad, all my brothers (& their wives/fiance's). Also all my in-laws in Tulsa and Tennessee. I LOVE having a big family. I can't imagine how it would be to not have my brothers. Although I always wanted a sister (until I joined a sorority) and now I know - I got the best deal just having the boys. Although I was forced to play w/ GI Joes & transformers a little too much!
  18. My house. I love my house. My only complaint...(no playroom)--but that's a big one.
  19. Pay at the pump. I could make a whole list of thru's (dry-cleaning, pharmacy, restaurants, bank, etc) When are they going to make a drive thru Pilates?
  20. Another that could be a list in itself...the little things that make life easier...disposable diapers, microwaves, my digital camera (do you remember life without these? I can't even imagine the amount of money I'd spend on film and developing). It would take me a whole roll of film...just to get "that one" with all 3 looking at the camera.
  21. Summer just around the corner. Cause it means flip flops (my favorite)...and gardening season for me. There is such a sense of accomplishment when you prepare a dinner with things you grew yourself...or eating watermelon off the vine. Yum.
  22. "Lost" on Wednesdays, "Grey's Anatomy" on Thursday. What girl from my generation didn't fall for McDreamy during "Cant Buy Me Love"?
  23. My tattoo...and the memory of all of us getting them together on our senior spring break trip in Vegas. And for getting it (in my opinion) in the best place possible, and for getting something that doesn't make me regret getting it 8 years later.
  24. My neices (Kate' & Kelsey) and nephew (Aiden)...and the other one on the way. So my kids have cousins and holidays will never be dull (or quiet)! Was Christmas ever fun before kids?
  25. To be living in the best country in the world.
  26. Sampson. The world's most wonderful dog. Everyone who meets him says so. Even his grandmother who "hates" dogs likes him.
  27. My mom's recipes. Sorry, but she is hands down the best cook. Undisputed. No contest.
  28. Dr. Nilson (my own personal Dr. McDreamy) and 3 smooth, fast, deliveries. Got to keep having babies so I can keep going back. (Just kidding Wade...kind of.)
  29. Super Target- possibly the best store on the planet...groceries, clothes, home decorating.
  30. Wade giving me a trip to visit Christy in Boston for my birthday. And that we pushed the trip to St. Patrick's Day, because let's face it...besides Ireland is there any other place that would be a better place to be on St. Patty's day? Anyone know the best place to get Boston Creme Pie? You can bet I'll find it.

Wow. Long Blog. For those that complain I don't blog enough. Now you have plenty to read before I get back on.


Renee said...

That's make me smile...and great picture of your whole family.

Renee said...

Oh, and one more thing...welcome to the 30's club! Happy Birthday!

Renee said...

Oh, and one more thing...welcome to the 30's club! Happy Birthday!