Tuesday, February 06, 2007


By the way, be patient with me if you have called/emailed this past week. I have over 200 unread messages in my inbox. So if you sent me a forward, joke, or link to another website...chances are I will not get to it right away or it may get "accidentally" deleted if it's a joke or forward. I hope to tackle a few everyday until its manageable. I will try to return calls later in the week too. But I've had other priorities lately.

1 comment:

Keri said...

Hi! I found a link to your blog from Sarah Coffin's site. My husband and I both wen to TU as well, and my hubby Jake played football (graduated 2001). I read your blog, it is so fun to follow, I am trying to place you...help me :0)
Stay at home mom too, so maybe we can get together. Where do you go to MOPS? Hope to hear from you, Keri Lyon....www.ksuelyon.blogspot.com