Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Still Learning...

I used to think those people that said. "my kid just wont take a pacifier" just didnt try hard enough. Riley and Cade both rejected it at the beginning until they learned to suck right. But we just kept pushing it and they succombed. Then I had Brooke. This one just refuses. She is a true blue thumbsucker.

She spits the paci out and goes for the thumb almost every time. Oh, sure, she'll suck the paci for a few minutes, but never very long. We keep pushing it though. I take too many long car trips to "the Lou" for her not to take a pacifier. And I do NOT want a thumbsucker. Breaking the kids of the paci has been pretty easy for us...but I dont really want to cut off a thumb.

So like I said...I used to think those people that said "my kid just wont take a pacifier" just didnt try hard enough...I've changed my thinking. Much like I used to believe it was the parents fault of those misbehaved children at Target that threw full out and out tantrums.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my she is so beautiful, I can't wait to see her. Let me know when your going to the Lou again. I'll meet up with ya.