Friday, February 27, 2009

A Sweet Day

Krispy Kreme Field Trip

Cade had a field trip with his preschool class to Krispy Kreme yesterday. Probably the best field trip of the season... I still remember my field trip to the "Twinkie" factory in grade school.
They showed us how the "powder" becomes dough, how the different donuts are formed, how to "fill" a jelly filled.
They can make 270 dozen donuts an hour.

Cade's favorite part was checking out the glaze waterfall.
The highlight was that each kid got to "make" their own donut.
Cade got more sprinkles on his donut than any other kid.

Cade with a pre-cooked donut hole.

There's this kid Jaden in his class. Jaden is one of those 'know it all' kids who tattles on everyone and always has to one-up everyone. He CAN be very sweet, but he chooses not too be most of the time. On the bus ride, he turned around and this was part of our conversation...
Jaden: "Cade brought a gun to school today...a squirt gun, he showed it to me".
Me: "He did?"

Jaden: "I have a gun too"
Me: "Wow, well Cade really only has pretend guns"
Jaden: "Mine are real"
Me: "Really, aren't you too young to have a real gun"

Jaden: "I have a shotgun and a pistol...they're real"
Me: "Yes, you said that" (remembering I add...) "Cade has a nerf gun too, do you know what that is?"
Jaden: "Yeah, I have ten!"
Of course you do...I just had to laugh. Funny kid. I wonder what my kids say sometimes when I'm not around to hear them.
Cade's teacher told me a sweet story. They were explaining to their kids that their parents could go on the trip and they could either meet them at Krispy Kreme or that they could pay $1.00 and ride the bus with the school. He said, "my mommy can get some money out of my 'piddy bank' cause my mommy ran out of money".
Such a "sweet" kid!


Unknown said...

Todd will be SO jealous!

Anonymous said...

I love your little boy :) You my dear are a great woman to pay a dollar to ride the bus with the kids...and you also have a very nice way of sharing about little children...that's all I will post on that but will remember for our next phone call...miss you.
Love You

twiceknit said...

You got to go on a tour of a Twinkies factory?? I like that idea even better than Krispy Kreme!

Pearl said...

Cade is so cute! Can't wait to see him!!!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute and well written day in the life of Cade!! Things like this make me want to get started. :)


Anonymous said...

That kid Jayden reminds me of that character on SNL...

Cade is such a cutie! Can't wait to meet the next one!
