Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We had a huge victory in our house this past week.
Brooke has been sick with the Rotavirus (which is a nasty vomitty, diarrhea-y high fever illness). She was so dehydrated they sent us to the hospital to get some IV fluids in her. We were there most the afternoon and night. She's doing much better now...but the huge feat was that no one else got it! Usually this house is sick for 2 weeks with one kid passing it to the next and this time no one else has gotten it!
I was talking to my brother tonight and he mentioned how impressive that was considering how "VomitFest '08" wickedly spread through multiple families and spanned 4 states.

Also I have a new nephew...my brother Heath just had his first! Which, according to Riley now makes him an adult (she doesn't think you are an adult unless you have kids). He's a cutie. Makes our total 4 nephews and 2 nieces.

1 comment:

twiceknit said...

I guess adulthood is still a few months away for me, then. :)