Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year

Hi everybody. Sorry its been so long. I know lots of you have called/emailed and yes, we are still alive. But most of the family is sick and mommy is the one with the job of trying to make everyone somewhat comfortable. Brooke is just now starting (as of yesterday) to keep some food down. The kids are up coughing all night which means rounds of medicine and "boogie sucking" as my friend Micki puts it. So its hard to get much done, like checking email, cleaning house or showers. I'm tired & running on empty.
But a quick update...Christmas was wonderful, but hectic. Although brief, I got to crop with my sister-in-laws. Wade and Chad made my brother Heath (who is serving in Iraq and unable to be home for Christmas) a batch of homemade beer. The "Wilson" Girls went to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and it was awesome, I highly recommend it, if it comes to a town near you. And we got all the cousins together which was truly chaotic, but lots of fun and impossible to get everyone happy and still for one picture.

I even squeezed in a double happy hour one night, first in St. Chuck with my old buddies, and second in Clayton with my old Tulsa friends that were in "the Lou" for the holidays. That was the only night I got to see any friends -- so I missed seeing Mandy, Micki, Christine & Jess, among others...seems there's just never enough time. Hopefully we'll get back when Heath comes home and I can see the others then. We raced back to Tulsa early to get Brooke in to the doctor (she's been very sick) and then we had our Clark Christmas which was also wonderful, but we are just now getting back to normal.

Got to keep this brief but will try to start being more regular with my updates when things settle down. Until then check out this sweet pic of my girls...(taken before we left for Christmas therefore everyone is well).
Got to love them. They are adorable. Although I could do with out the puking.
Wishing you all a happy new year...


Anonymous said...

glad you're back; missed your entries, I've checked it every day or so. Sorry about everyone being sick. Drake was just diagnosed with RSV, but doing okay (no hospitalization) so far.

Anonymous said...

Oh my those girls are so out!!! Missed you over Christmas we were only in "the lou" for Christmas Eve and morning. Hope Brooke is better by now, everyone in our house has the actual flu, except me I am great:) Missing you
Wishing you all well