Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Stir Crazy

Everyone is physically well, but mentally is another story. It didn't snow here, it iced for 3 straight days. We have been trapped together since Friday. This picture was taken when they were getting along. Any of you that have or are a sibling know that is not an easy thing to capture, especially when you've been trapped with each other (and only each other) for nearly a week.

The kids have been sledding a ton. They even got a ride to the sledding spot because its strictly ice. Cade's hands got cold so Wade gave him his gloves. I thought this picture was cute.

I was going to go home (St. Charles) this weekend, but we have more weather coming and I just cant do that with the kiddos. School has been out all week and it's been cancelled tomorrow too. Remember how we LOVED snow days when we were a kid? Completely different when your the parent.

I'm including this picture because it's my favorite of the month so far. (My 2 favorite bald-ies.)

In other news, my dad is leaving for Afghanistan on Sunday. When he gets back Brooke will be walking. Cade might (but probably not) be talking--I hope he's using the potty by then. He'll be gone for a year. But as he put it, we are trading him for Heath. Heath comes home in 8 days!

Congratulations to

  • Jess who just celebrated Anniversary #8. Truly Fantastic!
  • Emily who just announced she's engaged!
  • to the "person" who just found out she's expecting but hasn't made it public yet. I'm really glad you told me but it's really hard to stay quiet...especially this long, so hurry up already :)

It's going to be a great year, except for turning the dreaded 3-0, ugh!

1 comment:

Renee said...

Turning 30 isn't so bad; I think I'll do it a couple times instead of moving on to 40 or 50:)
My husband and I laughed when we saw Cade wearing the king-kong gloves; adorable. And you made me make the "awwww" sound when I saw your last picture of Daddy and his littlest girl.
All the luck to Jack on his year-long "vacation" and thank you Heath and welcome home.