Thursday, June 14, 2007

Just for them

I was feeling like I had been neglecting the kids a bit with everything that has been going on so I decided they needed some special attention. I was pretty concerned about how Brooke would do, but I took all THREE to a movie. We have this theater in Jenks that plays 2nd run movies (matinees) for moms/caregivers and their children. We saw Ice Age and surprisingly we got to stay for the whole movie. I had told the kids that if Brooke acted up we'd have to leave, but she did great. We had a couple of cries, but the great thing about it is that this movie is filled with little kids and the theater is never quiet and nobody minds if there is a little talking/fussing. Brooke is such an laid back and content, just an angel baby.

The next day I took all THREE to the pool. Now, I'm dreading every minute of this. Riley and Cade are used to the big pool. But I explain before we go, we have to stay in the baby pool because I don't have enough arms to hold everyone in the big pool. We had a blast. Cade and Riley played tug-of-war with Brooke in her inner tube. Riley had her mission to pick up every rollie pollie and try to unroll them (poor things). They wanted in the big pool, but they were very good about not whining about it.

I guess its just like have to just do it. I used to wonder how I'd go to the grocery store with 2 just do it. Same with three. You don't have any other choice. You just get it done.

Saturday I devoted completely to the kids. I didn't pay bills, run errands, clean house, check email or any other normal day task. I did call my best friend Christy, but it was her birthday and I called during the kid's naps...but that is the only thing I did for myself all day (and I took pictures to scrapbook later, so I guess I did a couple things for me) . We just hung out and played together all day. Wade was in "the City" (Oklahoma City for those non-Okies) for Adonis's bachelor party so it was just me and the kids. We ate donuts, played in the sprinkler, rented movies, ate popcorn, went to Pizza Hut for dinner. Not the most nutritious day...but a day they will remember.

FYI...Riley lost another tooth, Brooke got another one (both in the same spots that Riley lost hers in...kinda eerie.) Riley and Cade started gymnastics...not sure there's anything much cuter than a little curly headed girl in a leotard, except maybe a bunch of little girls in their leotards.


Renee said...

you're making me feel more at ease about taking my two little ones (Cade and Brooke's age) to the pool. Six Flags has a water park and we have season passes, so tomorrow we'll either sink or swim! I'm glad you had fun with them.

Anonymous said...

Look at your babies...they are so beautiful and growing up too fast. Hope all is well. Miss you
Much Love