Friday, May 16, 2008

It works!

For those of you that are faithful readers, you may remember the cleaning solution I bought last summer for nearly $100. I've been using it for little things like windows, counters, etc... But what sold me on it was that he was able to get a sharpie out of a towel. This week we had our biggest cleaning challenge yet (other than the red candle wax in the carpet at our last house). Brooke found a furniture pen (the ones that you fill in knicks in the furniture with). She managed to "color" all over the fronts of the cabinets, the tile, the counter top (she climbs on the bar stools to get up that high), and everything that was sitting on it (my mothers day card, a glass candle, a purse, etc...). She also colored the bar stool itself (cushion seat and the metal back). Well I turned to my special solution and everything came out except the metal back on the bar stool. Pretty good! Oh and she colored the train table in the kid's room, and it didn't come out of the base of that but it is like thick cardboard and if I scrub too hard the kids wouldn't have a picture on the base of it. But that was a separate occasion when she drew on that. I've moved the pens once before and this kitchen incident was when she found them.
They are now in a childproof drawer.
Wish I had thought to take a picture...I've been slacking in that area lately.


twiceknit said...

Amazing what little kids can accomplish when they're doing something they shouldn't be, isn't it?

I heard earlier today that the NKOTB did their first concert in 15 years today or yesterday or sometime recently. They're trying to make a comeback. I immediately thought of you. Then I thought, it's been 15 years???

Unknown said...

No matter how much I want to believe Aiden's being good when he's quietly "involved" with something out of my sight; I've learned the hard way that's hardly ever true. And unfortunately they're also very quick with the stuff they shouldn't be doing. I know God made 'em cute for a reason.