Friday, April 25, 2008

So it looks like my last post was a month ago today. Here's a little glimpse of what's been keeping us busy.

Riley had her 6th Birthday!
We've always done family parties for the kids but since she's been in school she wants 'all friends' parties now. She invited all the little kids from her class and they had a great time. The highlight for the kids was the pinata.
This little girl (Alexandria) had the right idea with the pinata...catch it at the top. She's a triplet, so she's used to having to fight for the good stuff...I'm sure it started in the womb...with space.

We've been heavily involved in t-ball the last few weeks. We've had either games or practice 3 nights a week.
Riley is really good, although her attention span is a bit short. If they're in the field you can find her twirling around, covering up the bases with dirt, or hugging the other girls. She's scored several runs and can actually hit the ball pretty far. The last game she even got a girl out at home base. She must have a pretty good coach! (see below)

TU had their spring scrimmage game and our dinner club tailgated before the game. Here are the Bradshaw's kids and ours with their faces painted. If you look close up the red dots on the boy's cheeks are supposed to be footballs. They actually look more like eggs, I'd say the cheerleaders need some art lessons.

We babysat our nephew Clark and the kids had so much fun with him. I think Riley thinks he's her own personal baby doll. And I got a little taste of what 4 kids will be like (some day). I think we need a bigger bathtub. Clark has the greatest chubby. I love it. It's hard to not squeeze him.
I had to run to St. Louis unexpectantly. My dad came back to the states to have surgery (yes, he is fine), but the kids and I went to see him during his time back. So I took Riley out of school and drove with the kids. Wade couldn't make the trip, he was in Colorado, he's still traveling A LOT for work.
My girls each have a cousin their age.
Riley and Kate' are 3 months apart
Brooke and Kelsey are 3 weeks apart.
Poor Cade was left out of almost everything. But we all had a lot of fun and as always with any Wilson get-together had some really great food. My mom makes THE best peach pie.
It just so happened that one of my best friends was having a surprise birthday party that week so I was able to show up and had a really great time seeing everyone again. I didn't take a camera but Derek's girlfriend sent me this a couple of days after the party.
Derek is 30 now. Welcome to the club! He went home after Tubby's closed but I went out with some of our other friends and stayed out WAY too late. It was really rough driving back to Tulsa that next day (3 kids for 6 hours with little sleep and a headache = grumpy mommy). But it was just so much fun catching up with everyone I just didn't want it to stop. One of our friends just had a double lung transplant in January and he was at the party. He has cystic fibrosis and things were scary for a while, but he looked and was feeling so great.
I got a jillion other things I could tell you about but the munchkins are craving attention.
Until then...
And Pearl...I heart David Cook too!


Heath and Pearl said...

Heath and I saw his mom coming home at the airport!

Somebody's Nobody said...

So great Jenny! Glad you are back on the blogging train...for now. I'm sure you are way busy with three kids to be posting all the time. I'm sure you're gearing up to have a pool-filled summer. That is about the only thing I miss from T-town. Wish we could go with ya.