Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Catch up --- (Warning: lots of photos)

Been a while. I haven't put up any pictures since Christmas, because I didn't know how to move pictures from my camera to my new computer...not hard, just been delaying it because it was a new process and I wasn't sure how to do it. But it's pretty easy...easier than it used to be actually. So here's a bit of catch-up.

Riley's School Valentine Party

Isn't she cute?

Cade calls this his "hunting shirt".
Funny lookin' Snowman

Don't they look alike here? Even their smiles are the same...

Funny story...
Riley yells that Brooke has gotten into the "dirt"...only it wasn't dirt...it was her diaper. How gross...you can't tell from the picture but she smelled worse than she looks. I don't know why, but she loves digging in her diaper...we had to put her in onsies to keep her out.
Cade took his shirts off then "helped" Brooke take hers off. Cute finding them like this.

Here are some from our spring break.

We went to Kansas City to visit friends and family for a couple of days. We had to scratch our Easter Egg Hut at Levi's church - we woke up to snow (not exactly egg hunting weather), and we also had to scratch the parade on St. Patrick's Day because it rained all day. But instead we went to eat at the Crayola Cafe in Crown Center - which the kids thought was pretty cool.

And of course, the latest and greatest...Easter.

Hope to be better about posting now.
Hope all had a blessed Easter.
We are SO ready for Spring...(hence the new colors)!


Unknown said...

Great update! It looks like you guys have been busy. Also, I love the girls' matching Easter dresses. Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

I just love this blog. So wonderful you keep everyone updated on your life in Tulsa. Love the pic of Brooke after digging in her diaper! How lovely that must have been! Thanks for sharing! Hope all is well!!


Somebody's Nobody said...

Hey Jen--
I was wondering what happened to you! Your kids are so cute. That is SO disgusting that Brooke got into her diaper--and all over her face! So gross and so funny all at the same time. Hope all is well. Loved visiting with you at Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Everyday I check your blog to see what is going on in Tulsa...I thought today this girl best have some new photos up by now and to my delight you did. You have gorgeous children and I love the funny stories that accompany them. Thanks for the birthday wishes you have given me a card every year for the past 16 years...I love and miss you to pieces.
Much love

twiceknit said...

So cute! How funny but how gross of Brooke! Spring can't come fast enough for me, either. It's still winter here in Scotland! I'm hoping that when I get home spring will have already arrived. I tagged you on my blog today. Sorry, it was an easy blog entry!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Jenny!! Adorable photos as always! I have missed your updates. I was out of town and just got back and was so excited for the Clarks update. It looks like you have been busy. I hope that Riley had a wonderful birthday! Talk to you soon! Miss you!
Love, Emily

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