Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday

So I know the country is hanging on the vote...so I'll break the suspense.
The winner is...A Separate Peace (John Knowles). I've already read this one, but I don't remember a lot about it, other than I really liked it. Micki and I made a short video about it for our 20th Century Authors class back in high school. Although Micki and I have many videos from our 20 years of friendship...the most popular and widely seen being our debut..."Jenny and the Junkfood". Truly Oscar worthy.

For the 1st time in my life I actually care about the election, but I will not be voting today. Why? Because I am registered as an Independent, and in Oklahoma we don't get a say this round.
It's funny, I took one of those internet quizzes someone sent me on "who should I vote for" and it told me I should vote for Hillary (what the what?). We were 42% compatible. I'm NOT a Hillary person, and I think her hubby's a bit of a scumbag (which reflects on her...you are judged by the company you keep). I don't know why they gave me her...maybe because of stem-cell research and the environment? Although I'm with the other side on other issues.
If anyone cares about my 2 cents...I hope its a McCain/Obama race. In fact, I think it' be perfect if they'd go bi-partisan and have a McCain-pres, Obama-v.p. ticket. They'd be rockstars.

If you want to take the quiz here it is...http://www.wqad.com/Global/link.asp?L=259460
There is a jillion of them out there...some very in depth. I've taken others and gotten (thankfully) different results.

Let me know your results.


Anonymous said...

I came out with Hillary and Obama in a tie. That's actually pretty right for me. I agree, though, a McCain/Obama race would be great. I might even consider voting for McCain, and I've never even been close to considering voting for a republican before.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jenny! That quiz was fun. I had four candidates all within a point of one another... and Romney had the most points!?! As usual, I am not a good or consistent decision maker. ;) Talk to you soon!! ~ Emily Ruggles