Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Better Late than Never Update

Lots has happened since I last got on to update. Quick version is everyone has been sick. Most noteably Riley who had to spend a couple days in the hospital hooked up to an IV for dehydration. Of course this would all happen when Wade is out of town--just our luck. But crisis is over, she is well again - although still complains that her stomach hurts about once a day. But as a girl I always had tummy aches so maybe its a genetic thing.

Our big news...Brooke is Crawling. Which is a huge milestone in the life of a baby. Her first sign of independence. She's not very good at it yet...thank goodness. It is really hard to baby-proof a house when you have small children. Cade's favorite toys are his little cars (which have little parts/tires that could obstruct an airway). Brooke's crawl is more of a scooch anyway. She'll be on her belly and stretch her little arms as far out in front of her as they'll go, then she scooches her little butt up to meet them...she looks like a little inch worm. Its way cute.

Here's one of my favorite pictures of the girls:

Other noteable sibling news in our world: Heath and Pearl have set a wedding date (August 4th) which dad will make it home for. Todd and Lori have found the perfect house in Ohio and close at the end of the month. Katie and Wesley just found out they are going to have a little boy (yea!)

I will once again try to resume updating the blog once a week (that is if everyone can stay healthy)...cuz it's rough on mom when everyone is sick.


Heath and Pearl said...

I was wondering when an update was coming! Glad to hear everyone is better!!! Phew.

Sarah said...

Glad your back and glad the kiddos are back to normal. Big sigh of relief for you!

Keri said...

What is it with this "sick" season? We still aren't well. Glad you are on the mend!