Friday, December 17, 2010

Boys are a Mess

Well, it was bound to happen. 
I've heard stories from other moms.
I've never dealt with it. 

Until now. probably wont be my last. 

Cade's "Self Haircut"

I probably overreacted a bit when I saw him.  But when I first saw him I flipped a little bit...and accused Wade of giving doing it.  Wade looks at me like I'm loony toons and says, "Really?  You think I did THAT?"  After realizing it's not that big a deal.  I grabbed my camera, then promptly gave him a summer haircut. 

So Wade travels.  A LOT.  Many times my kids think this is a good time to get sick.  This particular night JP probably had an hour and a half of sleep.  Total.  That's being generous.  He would not let me hold him.  He didn't want me to put him down. 

After an hour of screaming in my arms, I took him to bed with me.
 Where he screamed another 30 minutes. 
So I took him up to his crib,
 and let him scream for almost another hour. 
Went to get him again,
cause I guess I'd rather him scream with me than without me.  
And repeat that cycle...many times.

Well I get the kids off to school and this is what greets me.  He'd pooped his pants so I changed him in the middle of the night--so he has mismatched pants.  Pulled one sock off.  Crazy Einstein hair, drool stained shirt.  BUT. Happy as a clam...
 No signs of the miserable night before.

Wait.  Here's a glimpse of the little boy I knew that night with his stinker scowl face...

Stinkers that they are, I wouldn't trade them for anything.  They make my heart smile. life is never dull.  Case in point...I'm pretty sure this isn't how I left the bathroom. 


Pearl said...

Cute. Not sure what is in the air, but Grant has been acting the same way....scream scream, so i hold him, he screams more, then i put him down, then screams more. Rejects everything he will like, and screams at that! Oy!

I am sure you were more thankful that Cade cut his hair over Brooke taking a big chunk out of her pretty long hair!!! Cade is a cutey with a shaved head!

twiceknit said...

Will is a big fan of unrolling the toilet paper, too. He totally unwound a whole roll earlier today--thankfully, it wasn't a full one!