Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Brooke's Birthday

Brooke is 4!

I've got a girly-girl here. Every morning, she dresses herself in the "pwettiest" dress she can find in her closet and her "gwood" church shoes. She loves to have her hair and nails done. Loves to put on lip gloss and play tea party. She is such a beautie, such a doll and I can't get enough. This one has such a helpful spirit. She'd rather be in the kitchen Saturday morning being "a cooker", than out in the living room watching cartoons with her brothers and sister.
She (and Cade both) got 3 different celebrations. The 1st on their actual birthday, the 2nd with their Wilson family, and a 3rd with their Clark family (more on that later).

With their cousins Kate' and Kelsey
One very happy little girl.
Brooke really LOVED her birthday cake. She couldn't keep her eyes off it. And of course, she had to help make him.

The cake is a bit of a tradition. I had this cake when I was 3...

I asked my mom to make the same cake for Riley when she turned 3.
Now we missed Brooke's 3rd bithday, but as is my life lately, I'm playing catch-up in all areas. So here's Brooke one year off. With her pink panda bear cake that the all us girls have had.

(Had a problem with keeping little hands off the cake before I could frost it, so unfortunately he suffered a broken leg). But he underwent surgery and as a result all our teeth are going to rot out due to the massive quantities of frosting we tried to repair him with.
But a good day was had by all. Each time...

1 comment:

twiceknit said...

So cute! Love the red dress. It's amazing how much she looks like you did at that age (nice vest, by the way :)). And well done on the cake!