Saturday, March 27, 2010

JP is Walking...and other tidbits of life

So this video only shows a couple of steps but he can do 3-4 as of tonight.

We live a crazy life, anyone who knows us knows that. Here is a couple of snapshots of what we've been up to since I last updated.

We've had the snowy-est winter in Tulsa in the 15 years I've lived here and we've taken advantage of it...

Cade getting air-born on a little ramp Wade built in the snow...I love this picture cause Cade's face shows pure joy.

The kids built a fort in the snow. When this melted it looked like 4 snowman in the yard guarding the was funny.

As the kid's homeroom mom I planned a couple of Valentines parties.

Think Cade can get any more sprinkles on his cookie?

During a whirlwind trip to St. Louis, my brother and sister-in-law invited us to ride on a float with them in the Mardi Gras parade...which was so crazy...but fun. The float theme was hoosiers on a float trip (hence the sweet handlebar moustache for Wade).

We went to our 1st basketball game as a family...all of us. Where the kids did remarkably well. Sometimes they surprise me and I realize I might be doing something right as a mom. ;)

Papa celebrated his 60th birthday with a big bash.I celebrated my 25th (again) birthday with my favorite 4 munchkins.We celebrated the normal everyday moments in life.

My GirlsMy Boys

Took to the kids to the circus with their cousins (which was also my 1st circus). This was really cool. We really enjoyed it. They had white tigers, bears that rode bicycles, all the normal circus-y stuff...but the trapeze artist had me coming out of my seat thinking my kids were going to be scarred by some tragedy...they were a-mazing.One of Wade's best friends got married. Wade got congratulated by the bartender (thinking he was the groom). I don't understand it but these 2 always get confused for each other...they always have. Beautiful wedding though. Beautiful couple. Lots of fun.
I've got so many others, but I'll leave it at that. We've got lots on our plate the next couple of weeks. We're putting our house on the market and looking for a new house. I'm worried about how to keep the house "show-ready" with 4 kids, but my sister-in-law Lori gave me some really good tips and she's a semi-pro at it. We're also planning our 1st Slumber Party (No Boys Allowed) for Riley's upcoming 8th birthday. And softball/t-ball games start this week.

ps. Got a new niece this week. My brother Heath had a little girl (Violet)! Which evens out the nephew/niece count on the Wilson side of the family.

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