Thursday, July 09, 2009

2 Month Check-Up

We had our 2 month checkup last week and what a boy we have.

He weighed in at 14.25 lbs (which is in the 96%tile) and was 24.25 inches long (90%tile)

He is a HUGE baby. Very unlike our other babies. There's no worrying if he is getting enough to eat.

I finally rejoined the living these last 2 weeks.
Rejoined my monthly DDD Alumni dinner. This was really the first night I had without J.P. Mixed emotions...was really good to get away, but felt like no one can really take care of him like I can. Wade is a good daddy, but 4 under 7 is a lot for anyone to take on.
Finally made it back to Book Club...Wanna have a baby? Join our book club...we're pretty fertile. Charlie is next to J.P...he is a month younger. Harper is next to him and she is a month older. Kay is newly pregnant and we're not sure what she's having yet.

Natalie came in town and we all wanted to meet little Emma, so Jennifer hosted a mini Tri Delt playdate at her house. I'm sure I provided some good birth control for some of them. Of this group only Adriane has 2. Ashley has 1 (and one on the way), the other 3 have only one so far, (2 have none). My crew may have scared them off from wanting more. It was a lot of fun to get the little ones together. Times sure have changed. Can't believe I graduated college 10 years ago. I'm officially old.

Got some great pictures from Father's Day at the Lake and the 4th. Will try to update again soon.


jess said...

so cute!! Jenny you look fantastic!

Pearl said...

good post! i really am not used to all these posts lately. lol. you guys are super cute! can't wait to meet him. i liked what you said about your feelings of nobody can take care of him like you. i feel the same way. : ) Heath always has to ask me what to do with him to make him stop crying.

Unknown said...

Garrett was the same weight and height at 2 months (14.9 pounds and 24.5 inches long). So, I can tell you from personal experience that if he stays on the same trajectory as Garrett, you will have really strong biceps by the time he's 1!! :-)

He's precious!