Saturday, November 01, 2008


We're trying to teach the kids a little about gratitude. They (as I imagine most kids ) have A LOT and take it for granted. So for about a week, each night at dinner we all tell at least 2 things that happened that day that we are thankful for. We've been doing that about a week now and the kids come up with some pretty nice things (and sometimes really funny).
Since November is all about Thanksgiving, I thought I'd try to update my blog each day with something I'm grateful for.

1. Today I filled up my car, gas in Tulsa is $1.95/gallon. Not only is gas low everywhere, but Tulsa often has the lowest in the country...gotta love that!


Anonymous said...

Jealous...I was excited to fill my guzzler for $42 on Friday that was 2.09 a gallon. Love your gratitude idea I believe the Jobe's will steal it for this month as well...take care of you

Pearl said...

Kansas City, Missouri's gas price is 1.85! Good Times! Of course, us here in Kansas pay at least a dime more than the Missouri side. At least the state line is close!