Monday, July 07, 2008

My Bachelorette Prediction

I'm a Bachelorette watcher (yes, I admit it) and I'm making my prediction...
Jason, Jason, Jason.

From the very first episode he has been my fave, Wade can back me up on that. Of course, Graham was my 2nd favorite so since he's out - the choice is easy. Poor Wade got a bit sucked into watching it with me this season. We have very few shows that we watch together (in fact I can only think of one) but Wade knew one of the bachelors from this season (Twilley) and so he got roped into watching him act like a goof. Once Twilley was gone Wade could care less about any of it, so I'll be watching alone. But this house is rooting for Jason tonight!


Anonymous said...

Funny as I am watching as I read your blog. And I don't ever watch this show except for the last one of each season. Miss ya love ya and can't wait to catch up. Jess

Pearl said...

I really thought Jason too. I was very surprised she picked Jesse, but they seem really happy. I just hope that he can provide a good income for them and the three kids she wants ASAP!