Friday, September 26, 2008

Just one of those days

Yesterday was one of those days that just went completely different that I thought when we woke up. My dad is in town a couple of days and this was his last full day with us. (He left before noon this morning).
Riley had coughed a lot the night before so I thought I'd run her to the doctor. I had a doctor appointment in the morning and right after mine I ran her to hers. Turns out she has pneumonia. Riley just kinda gets sick easier than most people, she gets a little tiny virus and it just takes over her body. So they wanted us to go directly to the hospital to get IV antibiotics...they needed to aggressively attack it. But first, I had to get Cade to pre-school. So I ran home, picked him up, ran him to school, and let dad stay behind and put Brooke down for her nap. I took Riley up to the hospital we got the IV (torture), spent a couple of hours getting the drip and doing some other tests...they left it in so if she had to go back today they wouldn't have to re-poke her. On the way home, I got rammed (from behind) at a red light by a lady who "speak-y no englisse" and had to wait for an interpreter to get there...I mean it was just an awful day. Today at the doctor they said she was doing better and could switch to oral antibiotics, breathing treatments, mucinex and Robitussin...sheesh. They have scheduled an upper GI for her on Monday. Poor thing. She refers to this incident as her "surgery" and her IV (that is all wrapped up so it doesn't come out) as "her cast".

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Missing Mike

If only we could all just blog about sunshine and roses, but unfortunately life doesn't work that way.

Into each life, a little rain must fall...and we've had a downpour for the last 2 weeks.
Most everyone that reads this already knows, but Wade's brother passed away 2 Saturday's ago.

It has been the hardest thing Wade and I have ever been through.
We still don't have any answers to why this has happened, the medical examiner said it could take up to 12 weeks to get all the reports back. We did have a very nice service for him with a packed church which just shows how many people he touched.

We've had so much support from all over. Our neighbors have been AMAZING, from bringing food, to watching kids, and beyond. All my 'bus stop moms' even came to the "viewing" we had the night before the funeral. I called my mom at 3:30 on Monday and asked her if she could get on a plane that night at 8:30. She did, and took care of the kids, got them to school and gymnastics, tried to give them attention and keep things as normal as possible for them while the world was turned upside down for us. She even did 6 loads of laundry for me. Thanks Mom!

We've been trying to get back to everyday life, but it's a struggle.
Wade spoke at the funeral and had the greatest line in his eulogy--"Everyone has one of those friends they know they can call at any hour to come and bail them out of jail. Mike was NOT one of those friends. Mike was the kind of friend sitting in the cell right next to you, saying, "Boy, wasn't that fun".
That truly captures Mike.

Our kids will no doubt miss "fun Uncle Mike",
but there's no doubt that he'll live on in the countless stories we'll be sure to tell them.